Soul Painting

Soul Painting

Reveal the soul, in colours and symbols. Make the invisible visible. Harmonizes the Axis, increases the vibratory rate, frees people and places.

Wall Paintings

Wall Paintings

Staging for pedagogical and educational purposes. Happy and soothing construction.

Performance & Exhibitions

Performance & Exhibitions

Spiritual, dreamlike, energetic works, linked to different cultures, entities of other dimensions. These creations bring together ancestral knowledge and the contemporary world. The models are circus artists, actors, dancers, models and anyone who wants to be painted. Section soon available.


I practice one of the oldest arts in the world, body painting, I listen to the soul of the person, my brush tells the story. It is a common breath that is created in the present moment, a co-creation.


Painting, on canvas and mural, is just as much an observation of the invisible, made visible, a perception of reality, life, energies and memories.